
Ania’s story

Ania is a student from Poland. Watch her testimony and how God lead her through a journey of faith and obedience!

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Silvian & Thamar – A journey of trusting God
Silvian & Thamar – A journey of trusting God

Silvian and Thamar are Cornerstone graduates and currently the directors of WEC Netherlands. Their mission journey started many years before “going”, enjoy watching their story!

Alfred’s story
Alfred’s story

Alfred is from Kenya. When asked what is the greatest thing about Cornerstone, he responds: “It’s the people. You have a unique cultural experience here in Cornerstone because you have people coming from all over the world.”

Hyangsuk’s story
Hyangsuk’s story

For HyangSuk, studying, training and living together with different nationalities in Cornerstone Bible College for Mission Training equipped her for her ministry in Cambodia.

One of the great things about Missionary Training College is living in community … learning how to live with people who are different from you.

Corne and Erika’s story
Corne and Erika’s story

Corne is building meaningful relationships, and sharing life among Khmer believers. “I feel so blessed to be able to do discipleship together, combined with practical work. (Corne).” Through practical work Corne walks alongside Cambodian men, helping them live life as a follower of Christ. Corne: “We drill wells and build toilets for poor villagers in rural areas near Siem Reap.”