Further studies

life after cornerstone

It is important to point out that a Certificate and Diploma of Higher education do not have a legal status within the Dutch Education system. However, the Cornerstone study programmes are accredited by the ECTE and do offer possibilities for further studies.

Several colleges which offer specialised mission related studies, have examined the Cornerstone programme and welcome Cornerstone graduates for further studies.

CIU – Columbia International University

AWM Korntal

AWM Korntal – Akademie für Weltmission

Theologiestudium, Das begeistert.

ISTL International

Switzerland and Germany

It is our experience that students who pursue further education elsewhere are able to bring part of their ‘Cornerstone credits’ into the study programme. The level of acceptance depends on the level and the content of the course. So it is possible to approach a college and present your Cornerstone credits to see how they can be incorporated into your new study programme.


Would you like to know more about mobility and international readability of qualifications?

Our accreditation agency (ECTE) provides further information here and an international Qualification Comparability Framework (ICETE )


Two of our graduates share their experiences of
using their Cornerstone training for further studies.

Raine Ihalainen (Finish)

Obtained a B.A. at Redcliffe college in UK.

As soon as I had finished my studies at Cornerstone I already started to think about doing further studies. I thought to do to this on the mission field and so while being in South Africa I looked into different possibilities. In the process of doing that, I got an email from Cornerstone listing some Bible Schools which give credits for the Cornerstone diploma.

On this list I saw Redcliffe College giving full credits for the two years at Cornerstone. Around this time my wife became pregnant and the timing for our return to the UK felt like God’s leading. In September 2012 I joined the third year at Redcliffe and now after one academic year I will have a BA(Hons) in Applied Theology in Intercultural Contexts.

This is a very good possibility for any Cornerstone graduate who wants to study further.

Christian Waidelich (German)

Obtained a M.A. at Korntal in Germany.

I could have started working in Mission straight after Cornerstone (2011). My wife had to do 1,5 years of internship after her studies and so I thought about other options. I heard about the possibilities of using Cornerstone Credits for further studies and was interested in the German Branch of Columbia International University (AWM Korntal/Stuttgart).

My wife applied for internship at schools close to Stuttgart, it worked out and in addition God provided a flat for us close by. At AWM Korntal full credit was given to the Cornerstone transcript and I could go straight into the Masters programme. After half a year of part time studies I decided to go on full time and finished in March 2013 with an M.A. in Intercultural Studies.

I benefited a lot during my time at AWM Korntal and the quality training for Mission. We are looking forward to seeing God’s plans for us as we apply to mission organizations.