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have a Taste cornerstone life!
Come to Cornerstone!
Are you thinking of applying to study at Cornerstone, but wonder whether Cornerstone fits you and you fit Cornerstone? You can always come and get a taste of Cornerstone life. Your are welcome to spend a day or two with us. Please give us a ring or send an e-mail to let us know what date you would like to come, so we can make reservations.
Address and travel information!
Cornerstone Centre for Intercultural Studies
Hagelkruisstraat 19
5835 BD Beugen
The Netherlands
+31 485 369130
How to get to Cornerstone?
Travelling by car from within the Netherlands
From the A50, take the A73 direction Venlo. Take the A77 direction Köln. Take the exit Boxmeer/Beugen. Turn right. Go straight on past two roundabouts. Then take the first turn to the left into Hagelkruisstraat. Our building is on the left hand side of the street, approx. 100 metres from the corner.
from Belgium
From the A67 (from Eindhoven), take the A73 direction Nijmegen. Take the A77 direction Köln. Take the exit Boxmeer/Beugen. Turn right. Follow the direction given above.
from Germany
Cross the border near Germany on the A57 (in the Netherlands this is the A77). After 6 km the second exit Boxmeer/Beugen. Turn right. Follow the direction given above.
Travelling by train
Take a train to Boxmeer – 7 minutes drive from us. Try to get a taxi hopper. If not available, phone the college (0485 369130) and someone will pick you up.
By air
The airport Niederrein near Weeze (code NRN), is just across the German border, and offers cheap flights from several European destinations. It is only 20 km away from Cornerstone and you can ask to be picked up by car by us (you pay for the petrol). From Eindhoven airport and from Amsterdam Airport Cornerstone can be reached by train (see above)