This academic year I was assigned to walk alongside the kids’ club team. Two dedicated students met once a week with a group of kids aged 5-8 to have fun and to learn about God. I would normally meet with the team for prayer before the meeting started. Once they asked me to help them during the meeting because they planned to do some crafts and needed some more hands for that. I do not speak Dutch but can normally work out what people talk about. So, here I want to share what happened at the kids’ club meeting.
By the time the kids arrived at 2 p.m. we had prayed and folded little paper boxes for each child which they would later decorate. This was the first meeting after a long break because both students had been away on a short term mission. The kids wanted to know about their journeys, so they all huddled together around the laptop and looked at pictures and shared stories of what they had experienced. Then they sang some songs, one particularly about Jesus being risen from the dead. The kids were fully engaged when one after the other was asked to count the hair of one of the students. What an impossible task! But God knows exactly how much hair there is on our heads – and he knows every other little detail as well!
“I don’t believe that Jesus came back from death,” one girl said. “That’s impossible.” Did the song trigger this question? Obviously she felt safe enough to voice her doubts. A lovely conversation ensued with all the kids listening and engaging! The meeting ended with a time of messy and happy craftwork. Many boxes were decorated with invitations for friends and classmates to come to the final kids’ club of the year: de Vlaamse Kermis!