Our first year students go in teams on a 3 week “Spring Mission”. This year we had teams going to Mongolia, Myanmar, Romania and Nepal. Our second year students go individually on a 6 week “internship” to the country and ministry of their choice. Some went to the Arab world, others to the Far East and Africa and went no further than England.
All students returned safe and sound (including the Nepal team, which was there during the earthquake). It has been wonderful to listen to them give their reports in chapel in the course of the past two weeks. Some were involved in personal work, others in teaching English as a Second language, or in childrens work, video production, immigrant outreach, refugee work, “chilling” with locals, preaching… People were pushed out of their comfort zones both physically and food-wide (“where He leads me I will follow; what He feeds me I will swallow) and prayers were answered. In the case of many of them the Lord confirmed one-way-or-another if cross-cultural service in what He would have them give their life too–or not!