Unhealthy dependency can be a big issue for mission endeavours. In this episode, Tiago Fonseca interviews Wolfgang Tiedeck and Arjan de Waaij, both staff members at Cornerstone. They share some of their experiences serving overseas and how mission workers should consider the way they serve in order to create healthy and self-sustaining ministries.
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Wolfgang also recommended a few resources for those interested in reading more about it:
Roots and remedies of the dependency syndrome in world missions, by Robert Reese.
We Are Not the Hero, by Jean Johnson.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission, by Mary T. Lederleitner.
Jean Johnson and her organisation have a website with a number of articles on this issue: https://fivestonesglobal.org/
There are two mission journals, free-of-charge, where you can find more information on this topic. Use their search function and type in “dependency” or “Glenn Schwartz” or “Jean Johnson”. International Journal of Frontier Missiology (IJFM) – http://ijfm.org/ and Mission Frontiers – http://www.missionfrontiers.org/